Block Temperature
Cold Sweat has two methods for registering block temperatures, depending on how granular the developer's control must be:
Base Configuration
ColdSweatEvents.registries(event =>
// First two parameters are block temperature and units
event.addBlockTemperature(25.0, "f",
// Third parameter is a builder-style block temperature definition
blockTemp =>
// Registers the block temperature to these blocks
blockTemp.blocks("minecraft:bee_nest", "minecraft:bee_hive", "#minecraft:logs")
// Same as maxEffect from the configs.
// Max environment temperature in which the block will be effective
// Range of the block
// The block must have this state to be valid. Can be a boolean, integer, or string
.state("lit", true)
// Causes the block temperature to not fade depending on the player's distance
// Predicate for the block to match to be considered valid
// This "block" is a BlockContainerJS, which also holds world, position, state, and block-entity data
.blockPredicate(block => {
return block.getLevel().isDay()
Custom Temperature Definition
If more control is needed over how the block calculates its temperature, a more advanced version of this method can be used:
ColdSweatEvents.registries(event =>
// First parameter is the builder
blockTemp =>
// Registers the block temperature to these blocks. Tags can be added via blockTag()
blockTemp.blocks("minecraft:torch", "minecraft:wall_torch")
// Units must be defined before any other temperature parameter
// Possible values: F, C, or MC
// Same as maxEffect from the configs. This is in MC units only for now
// Max environment temperature in which the block will be effective
// Min environment temperature. If it is below this value, the block will be ineffective
// Range of the block
// Second parameter is a function that gives the current world, affected entity,
// state, position, and distance to the entity
(level, entity, state, pos, distance) => {
// Freedom to perform any necessary calculations, then return the block's temperature
// Heat up low-health players, cool down high-health players
var health = entity.getHealth()
if (health < 10)
return 10
return -10
Last updated