List of TempModifiers

A list of all default TempModifiers and their functions

cold_sweat:blocks Detects nearby blocks and determines how they affect the player's temperature. See Block Temperature for more info.

cold_sweat:biomes Detects the temperature of nearby biomes, taking into account altitude, time of day, and humidity, and applies it to the player.

cold_sweat:underground Handles temperature changes according to the player's depth underground. Also detects underground biomes and applies their temperature to the player if applicable.

cold_sweat:armor Handles armor insulation.

cold_sweat:mount Handles insulation granted by the player's currently mounted entity.

cold_sweat:waterskin Handles the change in temperature applied by the Waterskin item.

cold_sweat:soulspring_lamp Handles the cooling effect applied by the Soulspring Lamp item.

cold_sweat:water Handles the cooling effect of water and rain, as well as the dripping particles when the player is wet.

cold_sweat:air_conditioning Handles the warming/cooling provided by the Warmth and Chill effects, given by the hearth, boiler, and icebox.

cold_sweat:food Handles temperature changes applied by eating configured food items.

cold_sweat:freezing Handles the chilling effect of the entity standing in powder snow.

cold_sweat:on_fire Handles the heating effect of the entity being on fire.

cold_sweat:soul_sprout (extension of cold_sweat:food) Handles the effect of eating a Soul Sprout item. Also spawns soul particles for the duration of the Soul Sprout's effect.

cold_sweat:inventory_items Handles temperature changes applied by items in an entity's inventory.

cold_sweat:entities Handles the effect of nearby temperature-emitting entities.

sereneseasons:season Handles the temperature of the current season if Serene Seasons is installed.

armorunder:lining Handles temperature effects from special liner items in Armor Underwear.

weather2:storm Handles temperature changes caused by weather and storm systems from Weather, Storms, & Tornadoes.

curios:curios Handles the temperature effects of any equipped Curios.

valkyrienskies:ship_blocks (extension of cold_sweat:blocks) Handles the temperature of nearby blocks that are part of a Valkyrien Skies ship.

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