Block Tags


Blocks that are able to be slept on, and should allow the player to sleep even if the ambient temperature is freezing or sweltering.

// By default, this tag is empty
  "replace": false,
  "values": [


Used for world generation when determining which blocks can be replaced by the soul sand disk that forms under soul sprouts.

  "replace": false,
  "values": [
  "remove": [

May Place On

Tags in this directory determine which blocks are safe for certain blocks to be placed on.



Hearth Tags

Block tags related to hearth functionality.


Allows specified blocks to bypass Cold Sweat's calculations for what is deemed "transparent" for when the hearth's area of effect is expanding. This tag is referenced alongside the config setting.

// By default, this tag is empty
  "replace": false,
  "values": [


Allows specified blocks to bypass Cold Sweat's calculations for what is deemed "solid" for when the hearth's area of effect is expanding. This tag is referenced alongside the config setting.

// By default, this tag is empty
  "replace": false,
  "values": [

Last updated