Item Tags


Equippable items (armor) that should not accept insulation. This may be useful in instances where an item is equipable in the armor slots, but would not logically be able to be insulated. Some examples of this might be the elytra or Create's goggles.

// By default, this tag is empty
  "replace": false,
  "values": [

items/boiler_valid and items/icebox_valid

Used to determine which items are allowed to be placed into the boiler/icebox's waterskin slots. Previously, this used to be hardcoded, but this is now a tag to allow mods to, for example, use the icebox as a cooler to prevent food items from spoiling.

  "replace": false,
  "values": [


Simply determines which items can be substituted as the "deepslate" component of the boiler's crafting recipe. Processed variants of deepslate, like deepslate bricks, are not part of this tag.

  "replace": false,
  "values": [

Chameleon Item Tags

There are several tags that dictate what items can be used for certain chameleon behaviors. Items in these tags will be deemed "edible" by chameleons, and they will eat them if they can when thrown by a player.


Items that can be used to tame a chameleon or regenerate its health.

  "replace": false,
  "values": [


Items that tell the chameleon to find the nearest biome that's temperature is ≤ 0.2 (if it trusts the player that threw the item).

  "replace": false,
  "values": [


Items that tell the chameleon to find the nearest biome that's temperature is ≥ 1.5 (if it trusts the player that threw the item).

  "replace": false,
  "values": [


Items that tell the chameleon to find the nearest biome that's downfall is ≥ 0.85 (if it trusts the player that threw the item).

  "replace": false,
  "values": [

Last updated